Getting Started
Fund Transfer
What is Earn?
Liquidity Pools
Fees and Orders
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NFT / Collectibles
Generate passive income with Staking and Liquidity Pools
What is Earn?
What is APY?
What are LP tokens?
What is Impermanent Loss?
What are Liquidity Pools?
What is liquidation?
What is a Decentralised Exchange(DEX)?
Can I lose money with the Earn product?
What is Staking of tokens?
Are there any tax implications on rewards received from Liquidity Pools?
What are Receipt tokens?
Can I swap my receipt tokens earned from Staking?
Where can I find my Staked tokens?
Which tokens have Staking investment opportunity available on Okto?
How do I stake my tokens?
How to unstake my tokens?
How to claim my tokens and rewards after Unstaking tokens?
Liquidity Pools
How do I add liquidity in Liquidity Pools?
How do I remove liquidity from a Liquidity Pool?
What fees are involved in adding/removing liquidity to/from Liquidity Pools?
Is there a minimum lock-in period?
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